Infinity Music Group (IMG) is an artist development ministry started by Beacon Light, Steven Malcolm, Mark The BaddGuy & Troy “PE” Evans. IMG is focused on discipling artists’ mind, body and spirit. “Ultimately, we want to provide accountability for artists and help them reach their goals,” says Beacon. ”The goal of IMG is to provide accountability for artists in their personal lives while also pushing them to make even greater music. “We came up through Infinity, IMG is family and we want to keep giving back and pouring into those up next.” says Steven Malcolm. At the beginning of this summer IMG released its first single “IMG CYPHER” featuring Kevi Morse, Peazy, Quese, Tvnk, Zay Jones, Zay Marr, and Erin.Troy “PE” Evans, the Pastor of The Edge Urban Church, is behind the scenes of IMG and is helping to push all the artists to greater heights in Christ first and music second. “The EDGE always has a army of artists looking for life change and their next steps artistically” Says Evans.

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