{audio autostart}havic-the_solution{/audio} |
Artist: H.A.V.I.C (Holy Anointed Vessel in Christ) Featured: Production: Album: The Solution Purchase: Release Date: Label: Holy Flame Records Hometown: Richmond, VA Website: Bio/Notes: Originally from NYS, Cap City and grew up in the lower Hudson Valley and moved to Rich City,VA in 2000. I’m more of the old school cat like my boys Scott Lane & G.I. would say. I’ve been rhyming for the Lord since 1990. First and foremost, I am A child of the Most High God, a huious (pronounced wee-oss) of God, the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus, a written epistle, disciple of Christ, Spirit-Filled, Word of God reading & studying, rooted & grounded in love, born again CHRISTIAN!! One that loves the Lord with all of his heart, soul, body and mind. I truly believe in the gifts of the spirit flowing through me as I minister (not perform) and am not ashamed or too prideful to drop the mic and start praying for the sick and needy. I want to see the power of God move and touch the lives of people to be saved, healed and delivered. Like Da’ Truth said, “Jesus Christ’s the main attraction, I’m just the opening act!” I’ve been a youth leader and youth music leader and I have a love, passion and compassion for people, not just the youth, although the music mainly ministers to them. I preach and teach in correctional facilities. tent revivals, outreaches and enjoy collaborating with other anointed and passionate brothers & sisters in the Lord!! |