Artist: Rio aka KuntryBoyy Featured: N/A Production: Rio aka KuntryBoyy Album: The UnReleased Mixxtape Purchase: christlikerecords.com, thebus-shop.com, holyculture.net Release Date: Originally in 2007 and re-released March 19, 2010 Label: Christ Like Records Inc. Hometown: St, Louis, MO Website: christlikerecords.com Bio/Notes:
Christ Like Records Inc.
Brief biography: Bio: A husband, a dad, and an extraordinarily gifted and talented Christian Producer and Rap Artist, DeMario Oliver is simply known as Rio to many. Rio has the amazing ability and desire to be right at or beyond the pulse of current culture. He goes by the name KuntryBoyy when he is making beats that get all heads bobbin’. With his KuntryBoyy Production company and services, Rio is saturating the Christian Market place with his beats. Providing excellent quality to fellow Christian Singers and Rappers so that KINGDOM Music can continue to push the envelope of sound quality, appeal, and effectiveness on it’s listeners. As a Rapper Rio has managed, by the grace of GOD, to build a tremendous fan base that can’t seem to wait for his next music move. Rio is electrifying on stage and off, as he aims to live a life of integrity after the music stops. His stage presentation and presence are jubilant, energetic, and engaging. Recently signed in early 2009 to Christ Like Records, based in St. Louis, MO, Rio’s debut album “A Different World” has Christian Rap fans going “Crazie” since it’s release date, June 23, 2009. Rio’s supportive Wife and Children have been key components in providing Rio with the fuel that keeps him in The WORD of GOD and the recording studio. In some listener’s opinion Rio might be compared or looked at as “The Christian Kanye West” due to his over achievements in being highly effective as both a Producer and Rapper…which is a task that many desire to execute and some have tried but, failed. Rio is sure to be a boundry-breaker and trail blazer as a SON of GOD, Musician, and Artist. International appeal with ministry impact are only a matter of time for this Alien!