Artist: Kre8tor Featured: Production: Album: Back 2 Business Release Date: TBA Label: Hometown: Hampton, VA Website: https://www.myspace.com/streetministryheat Bio/Notes: Off my album/ mix tape coming out Summer 2010.The name of the album is ( BACK 2 BUSINESS ).This album was birth from my wife’s death.When she was in the hospital when she could talk she ask me when will i be putting out another mix Cd out.I said i don’t know ? so she said when you do let me name it.I said cool.So she said let me pray about it.She came back and said the lord gave me the name BACK 2 BUSINESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!.I said cool BUT GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that was one of the last thing she said to me.The last thing she said was i have to kept going.So you see she name the Cd not knowing she was speaking the truth.After all that i have been through and still going through I HAVE TO GET BACK TO MY FATHER BUSINESS!!! So you see this Cd means more to than you can imagine.She always believe i will have a Cd in stores and that the Cd will change and save lives and bring glory to the Father!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |